In The Galleries: The World After Us

“What will digital media be, and do, after us? Can we plan and act toward new and different futures?” The World After Us is a solo exhibition by Nathaniel Stern […]


There are opportunities to engage with the artist while on-view, see all programs here.

FREE & Open to the Public

In the Gallery, Andy Sweet’s South Beach

Krasl Art Center 707 Lake Blvd, St. Joseph, MI, United States

Eccentricity, fun, glamor, and kitsch combine in these wonderful celebratory images - just in time for our own beach season.


In The Lab, Marat Paranksy: Excursions

Krasl Art Center 707 Lake Blvd, St. Joseph, MI, United States

Michigan-based artist Marat Paransky seeks to “discourage the typical black-and-white thinking that plagues the debate on nuclear.” Instead, his research-based project of over ten years forms a diverse archive of […]