THURSDAYS at 12 PM FREE on Facebook Live
Live at Lunchtime Focus Talks is a weekly series over the lunch hour on Facebook Live during which artists and art workers share more about their work at KAC and in the community.
May 6 – Listening to Art: Inspired by Olga Krasl
With special Guest Dennis Davis
May 13 – Andy Sawyer
This summer, artist Andy Sawyer is transforming KAC’s East Garden into a colorful outdoor summer studio in his project Prismatic Hope. Learn more about the project and Andy’s other work during this special before-and-after edition of Live at Lunch. Tune back in with Andy once the project is complete on June 24.
Fritz Olsen’s ‘Bouquet’ has been in KAC’s public sculpture collection for over 20 years! Join us as we learn more about the sculpture and catch up with Fritz on current projects.
Fritz Olsen, ‘Bouquet’. Marble, 1999.
May 27 – Nick Fox
In anticipation of the upcoming regional exhibition of the American Society of Marine Artists this October, KAC joins Society President Nick Fox to learn more about the organization’s history and mission.
All current ASMA members in good standing are eligible to enter the exhibition. Submissions will be accepted online between June 11, 2021 and August 5, 2021. Learn more at americansocietyofmarineartists