Learn a new art form, enhance your resiliency skills, or create a new date night with an art class at Krasl Art Center.
Registration opens August 9 and closes September 6*, 2021.
Classes begin the week of September 13.
The creative process is messy and unpredictable, and that’s what KAC’s teaching artists love about it! Instead of providing a step-by-step formula that leads to a predetermined outcome, instructors provide guidance and structured exploration through the elements and principles of art.
Meeting September 13 – November 5, these 4 and 8-week Adult/Teen courses connect students in and beyond the classroom by engaging with art history and contemporary topics. Enrolled students will have the opportunity to sign up for 4-week extension classes running November 15 – December 10, 2021.
There are no classes November 22–28.
Learn more about adult/teen classes and scholarship opportunities HERE
All courses are in-person with limited studio capacities. Enrolled students will receive COVID policy updates before classes begin. Krasl Art Center will follow current health guidelines in September — masks are currently required in KAC studios.